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Amazing Journey of CPR: From Past to Present

The Amazing Journey of CPR: From Past to Present

At Pulse CPR and First Aid School in Martinez, Georgia, we understand the profound impact CPR can have on saving lives. As a provider of CPR training with same-day card issuance, we recognize the importance of spreading awareness about this life-saving technique. Join us as we delve into the remarkable story of CPR, from its historical origins to its modern-day advancements.

Late one evening in December 2014, a seemingly routine day took a dramatic turn for Matthew Church, a healthy 55-year-old man. After returning home from a bike ride, Matthew’s heart suddenly stopped beating, leading to a cardiac arrest. His wife, Patricia, sprung into action, performing CPR until emergency responders arrived. Matthew’s survival serves as a testament to the critical importance of CPR knowledge in emergencies.

The origins of CPR trace back to the 18th century when the Paris Academy of Sciences recommended mouth-to-mouth respiration and abdominal compressions for drowning victims. However, it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that CPR as we know it began to take shape. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University made a pivotal discovery when external chest compressions on a dog resulted in a pulse, leading to the birth of modern CPR techniques.

Dr. Fred Wilson’s early success with CPR intervention in the 1960s highlighted the potential for this life-saving technique beyond hospital settings. As medical professionals recognized the importance of immediate CPR, efforts were made to standardize training and ensure legal protection for bystanders who administer CPR.

Dr. Anthony Graham played a pivotal role in advancing CPR and emergency cardiac care. His involvement in developing training programs and establishing protocols for CPR delivery to the general public contributed to saving countless lives.

Heart & Stroke, a leading organization in CPR advocacy and training, has been at the forefront of promoting CPR awareness and education Through initiatives like the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium and the dissemination of evidence-based guidelines, Heart & Stroke continues to improve outcomes for cardiac arrest victims.

Since his own cardiac arrest, Matthew Church has been a vocal advocate for CPR education and awareness. His story underscores the life-saving potential of CPR and the importance of widespread training.

At Pulse CPR and First Aid School, we are committed to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in emergencies. Our same-day card issuance ensures that participants leave our training sessions equipped to make a difference in their communities.

Join us in Martinez, Georgia, at our new location on Davis Road, Suite 18, as we continue our mission to save lives through CPR education. Contact us at or visit our website to learn more and book your training session today.

Stay informed, stay inspired, and together, let’s make a difference through CPR education.

Call: John R. Pulse CPR and First Aid School 706-901-7277

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