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cpr and first aid classes

American Heart Association in Augusta, GA

BLS Augusta GA

The American Heart Association Augusta GA offers courses for CPR and BLS.  CPR and BLS are very important courses to have certification in.  A course for CPR Augusta GA covers all the skills that you need to do CPR on infants, child, and adults. These skills are important to know for everyone as you are never sure when someone is going to choke or have a heart attack.

A course for BLS Augusta GA also covers CPR skills. However, a course for BLS Augusta GA covers much more. BLS stands for Basic Life Support. There is also Advanced Life Support or ALS, but most people only need BLS. The course for BLS Augusta GA has been approved for Emergency Medical Service personnel. However, the course is open to the public.

The course for BLS Augusta GA trains you to help with rescue breathing, sudden cardiac arrest, and how to work with a team. While medical providers need BLS training, many other career fields benefit from having the training of BLS like coaches, social workers, personal trainers, and teachers. The reason that BLS is more useful than CPR training is that they work with many types of people, and knowing how to treat different conditions can save someone’s life.

There are different levels of BLS, and the different courses provide different skills. Along with the basic BLS, there is also a BLS course that covers bleeding, and a BLS course that has the First Aid Course in it. The level of course that you should take will depend on the certification that you already have, and if you need to refresh your certifications in the near future.

The American Heart Association Augusta GA has helped insure that all the courses offered are to code and provide all the information and skills that a person would need to help a choking victim or someone who is having a heart attack. The level of training that you should take will depend on your job. For most people, CPR Augusta GA is all that they need for their job. BLS is normally only needed by people who are working in the medical industry. However, those who are working around and with many people should think about taking BLS training. Since BLS training covers CPR training, you will only need to take one course instead of two. Both courses do not need you to have any past knowledge, which makes great for everyone who wants to learn lifesaving skills.

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