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(BLS) Course, Provider and Renewal – Augusta University

(BLS) Course, Provider and Renewal - Augusta University(BLS) Course, Provider and Renewal – Augusta University

(BLS) Course, Provider Renewal – Augusta University….When a little girl was choking, her parents tried CPR, but she didn’t respond. That’s when Officer Kenneth Knox too action in Georgia, saving the little girl’s life.

But Knox said online he performed “Reverse CPR” on the infant. According to the Temple Fire Department, that’s not a term the American Heart Association teaches.

“Nowhere in the curriculum from American Heart Association, on adult, child or infant, is the rescuer instructed to remove by sucking the object out,” Thomas Pechal from the Temple Fire Department said.

Instead, Pechal said to perform the Heimlich if they’re conscious. For adults and children, make a fist and wrap your other hand around them below the rib cage. Thrust in and upward to try to dislodge the object. For infants, place them in your lap with their head below their feet and do five “back slaps” alternated with five chest compressions, but with two fingers instead of the heel of your hand.

The term “Reverse CPR” comes from a 2003 Johns Hopkins study where they tried performing CPR on patients lying on their stomachs. The 2003 study isn’t being taught in the American Heart Association, and child care providers aren’t trained to do it, either.

“I require CPR and first air for all my employees,” Kidz Stop Child Care Owner and

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