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CORPORATE CPR in augusta Georgia


Over 350000 Americans suffer a sudden cardiac arrest every year. Most of them will stop breathing after their hearts entered into erratic and ineffective rhythm. From these affected people yearly, about 90 percent sometimes don’t live to tell their experience , the few that survive may have damage to their heart muscles or brain.

Source: The New York Times
Sudden cardiac arrest is becoming the leading cause of death for adults above the age of 40. The only way to curb this alarming increase in Sudden cardiac arrest is if the victims get the right medical attention within the next few minutes. Thus, the need for Corporate CPR training .
Most sudden cardiac arrest cases usually occur in the workplaces and offices. Medical professionals believe that most people that died in sudden cardiac arrest could have been resuscitated if 911 was called immediately or a professional CPR was properly administered. In the quest to reducing the number of deaths in work places due to Sudden cardiac Arrest (SCA) , Corporate CPR is becoming a vital part of most organization’s culture.
Corporate CPR involves bringing certified CPR trainer to offer routine CPR training to employees in organisations so as to prepare them for resuscitation in the event of any cardiac arrest emergency within and outside the office. The acronym CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. It is an emergency procedure that involves manual application of chest compression and ventilation to patient in cardiac arrest, done in an effort to maintain viability until advanced help arrives.
By offering Corporate CPR training to employees, the survival chance for each and everybody that could have sudden cardiac arrest within or around the workplace have been increased.

  • Knowing what to do and how to quickly perform life saving techniques including CPR during an emergency situation is very crucial in saving the life of a victim. Some of the benefits of offering Corporate CPR trainings are;
  • Sponsoring Corporate CPR training for employees in an Organization tend to improve the employees confident in an organization. Knowing fully well that the Organisation care about their welfare in the workplace will increase their trust in the organization, thereby boosting employees’ moral to put in more efforts towards achieving the organization’s goal.
  • Organizing corporate CPR training for employees can improve the business value. This is due to the fact that showing to the public that you concerned about your employees’ health and wellbeing will bring about positive perception about your business.
  • When there is a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) case in organisations where corporate CPR training is taken as part of organisation culture, the employees handle such case with precision due to the fact that they have been trained and are prepared for emergencies.

A Corporate CPR training oriented organisation tend to save more lives. This is because every second counts when it comes to helping people in an emergency situation. The employees are always ready to save life if there is any emergency.
Employees consist an integral part in today’s business organization. They are part of policy makers and also those who implement them. Investing in their health through Corporate CPR training will yield the highest interest.
Contact Pulse CPR school for an amazing Corporate CPR training for your employees Remember, emergency can come anytime. Act now , act fast and make your employees professional emergency responders.

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