
CPR Class Augusta GA. CPR training before school begins

CPR Class Augusta GA.

CPR Class Augusta GA. CPR training before school begins.When it comes to CPR, practice makes perfect. Just ask Tom L. As a teacher assistant with Richmond County School District he’s had to use this lifesaving skill. He says he was walking on campus with a student.

“Stopped breathing, and his heart had stopped. I did CPR, asked for assistance to call for nursing and 911. Did CPR and the nurses got here. He was already responsive. The steps it took and the training, it just popped in your head automatically,” says Lauderbaugh

“Prepare them,” says Lisa R., who is the CPR and AED instructor with Pulse CPR School Augusta,GA..

Lisa hopes the training provided by Richmond County School District provides enough information and practical experience so that these school district employees can help save a child’s or other employee’s life.

“We try to come up with realistic scenarios, particularly in a school setting. I try to come up with scenarios like out on a playground, you are surrounded by a lot of kids, in a lot of cases you have 100 kids around you. You have several adults; how are you going to use those adults to save this child or possibly another employee?” asks Lisa.This class isn’t just a good idea; it’s required. Certain school employees are required to be certified in CPR and AEDS as part of their employment and Pulse CPR School Augusta,GA handles many of the school employees in Richmond and Columbia County,

It has meant over a thousand school district employees are trained in CPR should they ever need to use it.The certification lasts for two years for those who just want to know the skill or it’s required. For people like Tom, the knowledge has been priceless.

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