Performing CPR is a process that can save lives and make you feel good about yourself. When CPR is performed properly, it can be very useful while being a lifeguard. Every lifeguard is required to know CPR in order to become a lifeguard. Performing CPR is not hard if you know how to do it.
First, in performing CPR, you must check the “ABCs” on the victim. “A” is for airway, which means you much check the victim’s airway. “B” means you must check if the victim is breathing. Last, “C” is for circulation, which means you must check the victim’s pulse. If the victim is not breathing and has no pulse you must perform CPR on the victim.
When performing CPR you must know if the victim is an adult, child, or infant. For adults you give the victim two resuscitation breaths and fifteen chest compressions. With children you also give two breaths and fifteen chest compressions, but you do not push down as hard or breathe as deep. With infants you give one breath and five chest compressions using two fingers on the chest and covering the infant’s mouth and nose with your mouth. This process may break the ribs of the victim, but that is alright because it is better to have broken ribs then to be dead. Perform CPR until you can feel that the victim has a pulse.
When performing rescue breathing you first make sure that the victim has a pulse, but is not breathing. With rescue breathing you also need to know if your victim is an adult, child, or infant. For adults you give two deep breaths every five seconds. For children you give two medium breaths every five seconds. For infants, give one breath every three seconds. Perform rescue breathing until the victim has started breathing again.
Do not leave the victim alone. If you leave the victim alone and something happens to them while you are away, the victim or the victim’s relatives can sue you for negligence. Once you start giving care, you must c…

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